Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where Am I?

Just when you think the routine is down, something throws everything out of whack.

So, I think I've given up on A Thing a Day. It was fun, but I lack the time. I wish I had more time to throw stuff away. I will occasionally have new posts and I will still call them that, but I'm not committing to doing it with any sort of regularity.

Calorie counting is coming along. I don't resent it too much. It's interesting to see how many times I made bad choices that didn't seem so harmful. I'm hoping to get down to my goal weight and then not be so strict. Yeah, some would suggest I'm developing a healthy lifestyle. I would suggest I'm in a phase designed to get something accomplished. I've never considered myself grossly unhealthy, it's just that my resting weight* was apparently quite a bit more than what would be much more healthy for me. (*I define resting weight as the weight where I seem to sit when I don't do anything to try to affect my weight up or down. I used that term in front of my doctor at a physical and he didn't bat an eye, as if the term made sense to him.) I'm allowed just under 1,700 calories a day and I ended last week with 1,000 under. I'm ovef for today, we had nachos today for dinner that killed me. That and not running.

Jogging/running is also happening. That I'm not so thrilled about. I find it a bit boring. Sometimes I like the peace and quiet, but sometimes I don't like the gasping for breath or pushing myself when I feel like walking. I am now running the first 1 mile before I allow myself to stop and walk. I think part of the boredom is why I never run the same way twice.

I've been doing pushups at night, too. Very, very few. Minimal. Almost none. I haven't decided how long I'll go before I add more. I'm thinking when it's effortless, then I'll add more.

I added the ESPN app to my iPhone. I may not have the patience to actually watch sports (how do people find the time???) but I can at least be better informed as to how my Seattle home teams and Dodgers are doing. I have to admit that I had forgotten that the Sonics had ditched us and was quite confused when I couldn't find an NBA team for Seattle in the app.

The computer is officially done. It wouldn't turn on on Saturday, endlessly returning to the Dell logo and trying again. Nothing would work. Nothing, until Corey brought over a CD full of utilities. That at least allowed us to start-up the machine and try a few things (he tried a lot while he and Gilda babysat while Lori and I were celebrating an anniversary dinner). Fortunately, I had installed a second large hard drive in the computer a few years ago, so all of the music and photos were on a separate hard drive. And it was so large that I was able to make a copy of the entire operating system drive. And then I wiped it clean and used the restore disk that came with the machine. Since it was 9-1/2 years old, there was some updates to download. By my count, it was 101 in the first round, with several restarts, but it all went incredibly quickly. Then I downloaded Chrome, iTunes, installed Office, Quicken, Dropbox, Eye-Fi, an anti-virus program, the printer (connected via a fixed wireless accesspoint, no less!) and we're gold. I'm on the second of at least three defrags (according to the IT group at work, that's what Microsoft recommends after an install) and a check-disk and I want to back-up everything again on a separate external hard drive, and do some clean-up of the stuff that comes with Windows and the start menu and stuff, but I think we may have breathed some new life into this machine that may allow us to avoid having to spend money this year to replace the computer altogether.

At work we are really redefining the word "busy" on a weekly basis. I have probably 1-1/2 to 2 hours total before mid-day next Tuesday that aren't scheduled. And then it gets even busier as far as my schedule next week. Crazy.

So, yeah... and I've had trouble sleeping. So I haven't been getting up in the morning and exercising before work.

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