Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Thing a Day 3

Day 3 - 23 Inc. and Fast Company magazines
Yeah, I'm still taking it moderately easy with the magazines.   I think I've read most of these, but without a good way of keeping track, I'm just going to have to declare bankruptcy on these and take them to work and drop them off.  My boss' boss' boss maintains a reading library of all the stuff he reads, so I think I'll offer them to him and if he doesn't want them, I'll drop them in the break room for others to read.

Inc. and Fast Company are both great magazines.  I often will read them while walking during my lunch break.  I use the subscriber cards inside as bookmarks and go back later and write down things that I found of interest or books I want to read.  When I read them at home, I often use the subscriber cards and write the info directly on them.  (I have some still on my nightstand.)

A few of these had cards in them, so I captured the info that I wanted to capture.  Most did not, so I'm assuming that I've already done whatever I needed with these.  So now, it's time to let someone read them and get them out of the house, because this is obviously more than I can get to.  I mean, some of them I remember reading on the plane in 2009.  They are old.

I am starting a new "What I'm Reading" series on here as well to highlight interesting articles from the magazines I'm reading that I think others will find interesting as well.

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