Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Thing a Day 14

Day 14 - Another stack of magazines
I think I've been able to make myself blind to magazines.  They're everywhere.

Every so often I subscribe to Architectural Digest and then I let it lapse for a few years.  I have a large stack on my bookcase.  They're thick, so it doesn't mean there's a lot of them.

But I like to go through them and cut out things I like, just in case someday I'll be able to build a house or do some redesigning here.   So that takes some time.

I went through four today.  I also pulled out some other magazines that I really didn't have an interest in reading and some I had read but never managed to get to the recycling bin.   I suspect that even with my minimal cutting there are some people who would love to get the AD hand-me-downs, but that's still too much work.

One magazine had four articles that I thought were worth sharing, I'll have them in one or more future "What I'm Reading" posts.

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