Thursday, June 17, 2010

Run Out

Have I run out of things to say? I started off the year so great, posting regularly... creative stuff, introspective stuff. But lately, I've struggled to write. I don't know if it's been things that required more attention paid to the streen (watching all the Firefly episodes in the correct order -- and for the first time, and now a lot of Last Comic Standing).

The good thing is I am at least reading again. I'm not sure why I had stalled. But right now I've restarted Mere Christianity. Lori and I are taking turns reading a chapter and then discussing it. I think I also want to take notes. I need to read it and The Case for Christ for one of my SMART Goals at work. That's also on my nightstand but I haven't started it yet.

I'm also reading The Girl Who Played With Fire. The author writes an interesting book, but it's a little uncomfortable to read. The author (who died just as his books started really going big) writes some pretty twisted stuff.

And I'm also reading two Reader's Digests and a Fast Company and an Inc. A lot going on, but I'm happy to be reading again.

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