Sunday, May 30, 2010

Odds and Ends 27


MASHABLE -- Will Google TV Be a Game-Changer in the Realm of Connected Devices?


ENGADGET -- HP data center fueled by hopes, dreams and... cow dung


SETH GODIN -- iPad killer app #2: fixing meetings


CROSSCUT -- After 26 years with KIRO, Gregg Hersholt signs off -- while I'm not really sure who Hersholt was, an interesting look at Seattle radio. (Most of my readers will know that I rarely listen to the radio and never AM, except when traversing the passes in snow.)


FAST COMPANY -- Redesigning the Bus Stop: Teague's Traffic 2.0 Makes Transit More Friendly - Seattle Transit, the next step


TV BARN -- About that so-called "billion-dollar" LOST franchise....


MASHABLE -- Create Playlists from Music Blogs with ExtensionFM - interesting. Wander across any site that has linked MP3s and this extension remembers them so you can play them whenever you want (Chrome Extension)


Know those sci-fi movies where everyone is trading money for goods for everyone else, all without using cash? Here's where it starts.


Gotta love Improv Everywhere. Wish everywhere included more Seattle stuff.

More about this mission. (Behind the Scenes, etc.)

-10- VIDEO

so mean, so funny.

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