Thursday, January 15, 2009

Productivity Groove

Last year, I would "sweep" the living room every night, picking up toys, putting the pillows back where they belong, stacking coasters, whatever. But, each night by the time we went to bed, the living room was clean. By the time Christmas rolled around, I had also started including the foyer and upper stairs and had almost gotten to that stage with the dining room. But... then the Christmas season hit and things kind of fell apart. I'm really pleased that the living room is all clean again. In time, I'll recapture the stairs and foyer and dining room (which right now looks like a bulldozer shoved Christmas in there) and Lori's decided to fight the kitchen.

And I have to keep telling myself one day the kids will be able/expected to help as well. You don't want to see Rachel's room. It looks like a toy store exploded in there and then there was a tornado and then a child was let loose to play and play and play.

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