Friday, March 14, 2008


Rachel had a bad dream. We were so out of it that when she appeared at our door upset, we allowed her to climb into bed with us. Typically, she has a sleeping bag on the floor. It's comfy, but not too comfy, to discourage sleeping in mom and dad's room. I had just gone to bed and had about six hours available to me. She spent the next two hours randomly ruffling my hair, exploring my face with her hands or whispering "I love you." to me. It was sweet and all, but not really working for me. I finally got her sleeping bag and she stayed in it for awhile before going back to her room. Only to later call out until Lori went to see what was up. It would have been legitimate reason to call in sick. Only I had a four hour strategery meeting today at 8 am. I was rushed this morning because I had a meeting at Starbucks at 7:40 this morning on my way in and so didn't read through all 8 new emails that had come in in the last 6 hours and missed the one saying the meeting had been cancelled because everyone was out sick. D'oh.

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