Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring in the Northwest

This is where it gets good. We've been back for just over two years now. Saturday was a spectacular day with excellent weather for a drive up to Bellevue and back. Friday was a day off and I got a lot chores done around the house. So much so that I was able to spend time in the front yard attacking the moss and pulling weeds and in the backyard attacking the grass, and excavating more of my eventual 'rain lodge.'. It's gonna be cool... A semi-protected area under the deck where I'll be able to sit and meditate or read during the awesome spring rains we'll see. Yesterday would have been a great opportunity to do that, it was pouring like crazy during the drive to my parents' for a wonderful Easter dinner with family. One at which I again forgot to get photos everyone. Oh well. Next time.

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