Thursday, March 27, 2008

Getting Caught Up

I have managed to get myself behind in many things in my life. I am slowly getting caught up. I'd like to blame it on my trip, but I was sliding before I left but I do believe it's taken half a month just to get mostly caught up.

So... let's see... the year is now 15.84% completed.

We recently visited Vancouver. The trip went really well and we're hoping to make a few more trips this year. During the same trip we also visited Longview. While in Vancouver we ate at a restaurant called Who-Songs and Larry's. So check, check and check again.

We are behind on talking to Lori's family, too.

I have not lost any weight. I am behind on assessments and ahead on books and legitimate posts (yay me!) I still hate flossing, but I've been really consistent. It will be a miracle, however, if I can get caught up with getting to bed by 11. I may eventually have to cross that goal off.

As for my exercise, I am behind on walking - but I will get caught up on that when the weather improves. I am also behind on jumping jacks, which is a surprise. I'll get that caught up soon. I am ahead on pushups and situps. Makes me wonder if the goal was set too low. (post moved from The Year was 2008)

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