Sunday, February 10, 2008

Not Feeling So Smug

First my dad tells me that H&R Block's online program fails to check a box on his tax form and that it probably didn't check it on mine, either. A box worth about $150; and that he recommends I file a 1040X. I'm 75% tempted to not -- what better way to pick a candidate for an audit than someone who files an amended tax return asking for money. Only last night I realize that I failed to account for $210 a contractor paid me in June 2007 for work I did in October 2006. Ugh. So now I must file. It's still a net gain, but it's not all that exciting. All this work avoided by paying H&R Block $20 to do my taxes overturned by mistakes on both parts leading to a form which the IRS says takes people an average of 3-1/2 hours to complete. Blargh.

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