Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Little More Human

I feel better this morning. I should have gone to bed earlier, but I slept really well. I felt like I woke up a lot, but I still feel quite rested. I got a tiny bit of exercise in, I'm registered for the conference, got my Starbucks and am thinking about a second scone. And best of all, I'm seeing lots of people with nametags like mine. And it turns out there are two children next door, possibly a family on vacation. One of the children cried out a few times during the night, but never anything that lasted more than a few seconds. I read on Justin's blog that he had a fire alarm. Either I slept through it (unlikely) or I got a better room in a different building. Turns out the computers in the lobby are free, as is wireless internet in the little "link" lounge. Sitting here makes me think we need a tall bar seating area at home with the computer and we need a water feature visible from said seating area. Alrighty... off into the wild blue email yonder.

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