Friday, February 22, 2008

Just Walk Away

I am really behind on updating this blog. I should be caught up soon and have everything updated. (I've been keeping track.)

But I wanted to write about something I've noticed recently. A guy in my group keeps a jar of candy on his desk. Some days I will go the entire day without getting any candy. But as I'm shutting down, or going to the restroom at the end of the day, I will think about the candy and I will actually argue with myself about whether or not I should have any candy. And usually it's a matter of simply walking past his cubicle twice without going inside and getting some candy. I cannot understand why this is even an argument. It should be pretty plain and simple. Just walk away.

And yet, I'm finding that so difficult.

It's no wonder that I now weigh the same weight I did at the beginning of the year. (I've been able to successfully walk away lately, but there have been some other factors. Though I can't really think of any right now. Just a major plateau apparently. And not good enough weather for lots of walks. And trouble getting up in the morning to exercise before work.) (moved from The Year was 2008)

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