Monday, January 14, 2008

I Love My Backspace Key

Ok, here is the rules. four minutes on the timer. No use of the backspace key. Just type until the tier timer runs out. About what, I do'nt know. Arg, this is hard. I like my backspace key. I am a really poor typer, I just type really fast and my fingers naturally go to the bakstap blech blach b dang it. naturally go to the bakcspace key, they nowk dang it know I'm about to mistype and they're prepared to catch the pieces as we continue on. This is probably how my typing looked whe I used to send emails after having confusss this sucks! This is probably hot my t sheesh. Trust me, I am not drunk, I've had nothing to drinlk. I'm just trying to type without the backstpace oops, I used it. I can't help it. I love the backspace key. 2 minutes to go. It's nearly 11. I need to feed the cats and get upstairs and get stuff ready. One of my goals this year is to ebbeeeerewrwerfsdlfsd;ka stupid stujpid what a dumb idea this was. Maybe yeah, that's it. I'll title this post ode to the backspace key. Of course, I'll probably type that wrong. 1 minute to go. I'm not tired. I don't wnant to go get ready for bed. I want to sit down here on the couch and play on the computer for awhile longer. Oh well, at least I can read some more in my book, even though it's quite cdull so far. It's a Jonhn Grisha,m. No idea how old or new it is. Called The Innocent Man or something like that. 3 seconds. Bzzzzz.

Later added as an honorable mention to the "120" category.

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