Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Two Thousand Seven (Part 3 of 3)

Part III – The Look Ahead

What’s Next? Last year, I had some goals, but in some respects, I think I failed. I didn’t keep up with the list, I failed to post regularly. Part of it was my 15-minutes of fame with Federal Way Graffiti, part of it was the busy-ness of life, but part of it was a lack of clear goals and poor follow-through. So this year, clearer goals, intermediate goals, and scheduled review of my goals. So, what are my goals?
  • A least 1 visit Vancouver/Portland
  • At least 1 overnight stay somewhere (not in California or Yakima or Silverdale)
  • Sponsor 1 more child through World Vision (we sponsor one already - we'll want to sponsor a child born in May, so we may have to wait until the following year if they don't have any children that young)
  • At least 2 visits to Yakima
  • A minimum of 2 visits to Longview
  • 3 new restaurants in Seattle (1 really nice, 1 Cuban – can be same thing)
  • 3 new restaurants (not in Seattle)
  • At least 6 letters to our current sponsored child
  • Visit 6 new parks
  • At least 6 daddy/daughter days
  • At least 12 "120 seconds of literature"
  • Talk to Lori’s dad 12 times (monthly - or at least call and get answering machine)
  • Talk to Lori’s brothers and families 12 times each (monthly - or answering machine)
  • Talk to (or see) Jeff and Hillary 12 times (monthly)
  • Talk to (or see) my parents 12 times (monthly)
  • Talk to (or see) Lori’s mom at least 12 times (monthly - after she moves)
  • Read at least 36 books
  • 52 assessments of how I'm tracking towards my goal
  • 52 legitimate posts about how I’m feeling on this blog
  • Weigh 160 pounds on December 1, 2008
  • Floss 200 times (I stink at this, hoping this will help make it a habit)
  • Be in bed by 11 pm at least 260 days
  • Exercise: walk 500 miles
  • Exercise: 9,150 pushups
  • Exercise: 9,150 situps
  • Exercise: 16,470 minutes riding the exercise bike
  • Exercise: 36,600 jumping jacks
  • Send Christmas cards!
  • Fix car window
  • Spend time in Seattle with Allison
  • Spend time with Lawver family
  • Visit Dentist / get caught up
  • Visit California in September (anyone want to host us?)
  • Santa Train
  • Spend more time with the cats
  • Improve the basement
  • Stop watching reruns (except of shows we purchase on DVD)
  • Stop watching live TV (record/time-shift/delay everything)
How will I work towards these goals?

Some great websites:
And a tracking blog:

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