Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What kind of silly question is this?

"If You Love Animals Called Pets...
Why Do You Eat Animals Called Dinner?"

Seen on a car in the Target parking lot.

Please add your responses to the comments.


  1. I also eat animals called "breakfast" and "lunch."

  2. Simple:

    pet: any domesticated or tamed animal that is kept as a companion and cared for affectionately.

    dinner: the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.

    One is for eating, the other is for caring for and giving a home to. If it's a cow, pig, chicken, duck, lamb, etc., then it can be pet first and dinner later.

  3. Because they're called "Dinner." If they weren't supposed to be eaten, they'd be called "Garbage" or "Disease-infested species" or something else unappetizing.

    Also, because I don't eat cats or dogs or parakeets or hamsters or anything else, really, that falls under the category of pets. Heck, even kids in FFA raise pigs and cows knowing that they'll likely end up on somebody's dinner table, and sometimes are even there for the slaughter. Now that, I couldn't do, but to each his own.

  4. might upset the children if we called our cats "dinner" - they might be confused
