Sunday, October 07, 2007

Fleeting Rain, Weekend

This weekend went by too quickly. There were periods of heavy rain and I had hoped to go down and clean up the garage during one of them, but I missed them. Mostly this afternoon working on the church website. Took waaay too long.

Unlike our last house, the garage is the only place where you can hear the rain against the roof. The house is incredibly well insulated and that's often a blessing, but I miss the sound of the rain. In the garage you can hear it quite well. And a previous owner decked it out with lots of lights, so it's a nice cheery place to be. Just usually there are cars in the way. But with my mother-in-law staying with us, her car is much smaller than Lori's and I left my car outside after filling up the tank. So it would have been perfect if only the church website hadn't proved such a bear to update.

But yeah, where did the weekend go? I got a lot of chores done, but lots of bigger chores remain undone, like a really tall wall that needs a second coat of paint and some ceilings that need to be touched up. By the time they got the ceilings, the sellers were a little less careful and some of the patching is in a slightly different shade of white that's only noticeable at certain times of day in certain kinds of light. But we budgeted for the paint last month and now it sits unopened, mocking me. Maybe I need to figure out when a good rain storm is coming and take a day off from work and stay home and do some bigger chores.

But now, the weekend rolls to a close. I owe people email (especially Allison, Melinda, Heather and Pastor Joe), I have some new graffiti sightings to post and the downstairs remains a modified mess.

I must get back to stuff, but one chore that occurs way too often (replacing light bulbs) was, as always, aided by an excellent Christmas present I received last year... a Keller Multi-Ladder. I really recommend this ladder. It's pretty sweet. I'd never seen one, but my dad gave it to me for Christmas. It was a huge and heavy package under the tree, but it's come in handy on a number of occasions... solid, sturdy, but folds up really compact.

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