Thursday, September 27, 2007

Breaking Dawn

I woke up earlier than usual this morning. But, as usual, once up, going back to sleep, proved impossible. For once, it's meant I've been able to be a little more leisurely in getting ready for the day, which as been nice. It's still a little dark outside and everything is covered with dew or rain so it all looks clearer and a little shinier. I realized I've been struggling a little bit at work lately. I haven't yet completely recovered from taking a week off. I'd say I'm down to about 15 semi-urgent emails now two weeks overdue, but I've cleared the rest in the past week and a half. Despite surface-checking my email while on vacation, I had over 400 in my inbox when I returned and received another 100 or so that first day back. And, non-stop meetings. On Tuesday when I came home from work, I had to excuse myself from dinner and go lay down in the bedroom for a few minutes because I was overwhelmed by the noise. On Wednesday when I came home from work, I could not stop pacing. I think it was because even lunch had been consumed yesterday with a lunch and learn. (They provide a nice lunch, trade off is you go to a presentation during your lunch break. Technically, they don't typically provide lunch. And I don't typically attend. There is a correlation there.)

I'm hoping that I can continue this peaceful feeling into my day. An absolute rarity, I only have 45 minutes of scheduled meetings today. I'll book the rest of the time as office hours to prevent same-day bookings. And I'll leave in a few minutes to give myself time to proceed to work without haste.

I think it'll be a good day. That's what I'm aiming for.

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