Friday, July 06, 2007

[Jott from James Lamb] The car next to me here in traffic has the license plate signed, which reads tre...

Jott From James Lamb

The car next to me here in traffic has the license plate signed, which reads treat me no differently than you treat the queen, which makes me wonder. How would we treat the Queen? We probably really wouldn't care much about her in how she is figure head of some other country's government. We probably say [unclear speech, please listen], what are your thoughts? Post the comment below.
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1 comment:

  1. So close...

    The car next to me here in traffic has a license plate frame which reads "Treat me no differently than you treat the Queen," which makes me wonder... How would we treat the Queen? We probably really wouldn't care much about her in how she is the figure-head of some other country's government. We probably say "Go back to England!" What are your thoughts? Post a comment below.
