Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Reset Button

Today feels like a good day for a reset. In the recent past, I abandoned more cake2, I dropped off my book list, I pretty much missed 40 Days of Community by not starting my reading on time and I've been consistently behind in my parenting class, always doing the reading the day before or day of. On the plus side, we made our budget for last month. So today, May 1, seems like a great time to press the reset button.

So, I'm ready to get on with things. With two mini-vacations and Mothers' Day in the next few weeks, I'm ready to face those and figure out what planning needs to happen.

I'm not back to my reading list, yet. I am working through the stack of magazines on my nightstand, so I'm still reading. I'm going to let Newsweek lapse. It was a free subscription and they wrote something recently that ticked me off to the point that I just decided it wasn't worth putting up with their stringent bias just for indepth on news. So that helped reduce the pile. I also got a little off-track with my daily Bible reading, so I started over today with Matthew chapters 1 and 2. I read two chapters in 40 Days and I will get caught up. Unfortunate is that I'll miss two of the next three services at church (will attend elsewhere) and will miss two of the next three small groups, meaning that I've pretty much missed the opportunity to be as relevant and contributive to this particular study. A shame, it's pretty good one.

And More Cake2 is back. I have 9-1/2 pounds to lose. This is doable. I'm gonna get it done, I'm going to be my own drill sergeant. New plan is that I have to do a certain minimum amount of exercise per day and failing that, I have to carry half of it forward. No more just missing a day.

I'm also planning to be in bed no later than 11:30 pm and out of bed by 6:00 am daily, save weekends.

I'm feeling good. I could write more, but I want to finish my breakfast, start a load of laundry and get out the door to work.

But yeah, I'm feeling good.

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