Monday, May 07, 2007

Hey, Steal My Identity!

I got a postcard today from Bruce Titus Chevrolet. It got my attention right away, because it showed a 747 in a darkened hangar. All the lights on the plane were on and my name appeared to be painted in 15-20 foot tall letters on the side of the plane. Very slick.

It also had my name in big orange letters as well as a customized website address that featured my name in the website address. And a six-digit password.

Out of curiousity, I went to the website and filled in a bunch of bogus information. I was really appalled because the very last question it asked me was my Social Security Number. Worse yet, the website wasn't secured. No https, no little yellow padlock. That's just identity theft waiting to happen.

By the end, it showed me my postal address and name and asked me to confirm (retrieved from its own records). Of course, I adjusted that as well.

But I'm just amazed at how poorly they seem to care about their potential customer's data. The company that put the postcard together, Variable Thinking (obviously a low-budget fly-by-night shuyster -- they don't show up in Google and their website doesn't line up right in Firefox) has no concern for providing a good experience to their customers or their customer's customers. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

While I can't ever see myself in the market for a Chevy, Bruce Titus Chevrolet of Tacoma is one place I will certainly not consider.

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