Monday, March 05, 2007

February - Back-Pedaling

I honestly don't know why February was so danged busy. But it was. The weather is getting better so I'm able to start walking more, which should help my diet. I think my goal this month will be to get back into reading more, talking to family more and making sure to bring Lori flowers.

My goals for the year...

Post In My Blog More Frequently - Check.

Artistic Photos - I feel I failed on this count this month. The computer was moved into the kitchen during painting and the printer wasn't connected. Busy.

Lots of Reading - I am failing miserably on this front. I'm working on The Experience Economy. It's good, but there's a lot to think about and I haven't had much time.

More social - I'm still not sure on this one. I've been trying to walk around the office and talk to people and rely less on e-mail. I'm even using *gasp* the phone more.

Diet will return - I'm really disappointed in this month. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I seem to be stuck.

Less Busy - Certainly failed here. I'm actually more busy.

Bigger Help Around The House - I've been inconsistent this month. I've taken over the vacuuming duties and I was doing the laundry, but our hot water heater's been having problems so we've been having to do the laundry during the day.

Make It To The City Monthly - Yep, I was up there at least twice. We went to Westlake Mall and Seattle Center for my birthday and then I was back up there for a conference. I think we might be going up there this weekend, too.

New Restaurant Each Month - I don't think we did this in February unless you count the mall food court on my birthday. I need to pick one for February.

Same Restaurants Less - No.

Send Lori More Flowers - Did not send flowers or bring home flowers this month. How sad.

Don't waste time on the computer or doing chores when spending time with Rachel - Yes and no. I did the taxes one night while watching Rachel. But they had to be done. But now they're done. The other night she and I went to Home Depot. There was stuff to buy, but I think she had fun.

Get finances under control - Yep, did that. Spent less than we made. Woo. Not counting tax refunds.

Talk to family more frequently - Did not happen. I will have to refer to this throughout the month so that I'm reminded because I haven't looked at this since last month, unfortunately.

Declutter - Yes, moving forward on that.

Enjoy the view out my bedroom window more - I guess...? That's what I said last month.

Appreciate the beauty of nature more - Check

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