Friday, February 02, 2007

Superbowl losers will be winners overseas

This is pretty cool... in order to capitalize on the game, ahead of time all kinds of memorabilia has been created heralding the Colts -- and Da Bearssss -- as the winners of Superbowl XLI.

Wasteful, no?

Well, not exactly, but you'll soon learn why it costs so much for that winning jersey or cap. In reality, you're paying for two... one with the Bears logo and one with the Colt logo.

In the past, the losing team's merchandise was destroyed. But for a number of years now, the NFL has donated the merchandise to World Vision where it's shipped overseas to provide clothing to those who otherwise don't have.

Also, apparently when the U.S. Customs seizes counterfeit products (sports memorabilia or other), if it can be reused, it's given to World Vision. In the past, the Customs agency was responsible for the cost of disposing of the seized goods. Now, it, too, is turned over to World Vision. For counterfeit goods the first order of business is to remove the labels and then tag all the merchandise with the World Vision logo so it's identifiable later that it wasn't legitimate goods in the first place.

So, saving the U.S. Government money (aka us taxpayers), keeping stuff out of landfills (or incinerator smoke out of the air) and helping to clothe the rest of the world. That's pretty cool.

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