Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Spoke too soon?

Ok, just give them my entire paycheck. August 23 (the day my Verizon Wireless contract ends) cannot come soon enough. On the other hand, I have some time to save up money for two of these and convince Lori that we must have these. Cingular's web guys must just be biting their hands to keep from getting this up on their website.

Am I being a poor steward of my time at work? Fortunately, it's a slow day. I'm sending out tests and waiting for responses. And now I'm about to dive into data entry with too little else to do.

Apple (with complicity by Engadget with their moment by moment coverage) really knows how to kick the hype. I rarely feel this kind of emotional excitement except when I'm talking about my daughter or singing a really awesome song in church. Or used to sing in my old church in Pasadena, that is.

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