Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oh, the weather outside is frightful

but I've got some place to go, so let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.

I'm a big fan of snow. I enjoyed skiing in college and hope to re-learn in the next few years. I've enjoyed seeing it here. But as I sit here on the exercise bike, I can see huge flakes continuing to fall in our back yard. There's probably 5-6 inches on the top of the garbage can. Not sure how much is new, but it's coming quite steady. I don't want to make this a "six" day weekend -- I stayed home on Thursday, working a full day and Friday, working a half day. But it's coming down harder and harder as I type, adding snow and slush on top of lots of ice that never went away after the last snow storm. People keep telling us that this is unusual. Perhaps they mean to say that it's not what you can normally experience living here. It is really beautiful, but unless they close the office in the next 15-20 minutes, I gotta drive in. And I'm really not looking forward to it. Though the more difficult task would be the drive home.

Rain and weather in the 40s predicted for later in the week.

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