Wednesday, January 17, 2007

No Mo Snow

Most of the city is free of snow, and in some places, you even see patches of dry road by midafternoon. The temperature has risen to the upper 30s. That's still quite cold if you ask me. I haven't been getting much walking in and it's killing me. I think it's contributing to how I've been feeling a little more tired than usual.

I just finished Max Lucado's "When God Whispers Your Name," a nice inspirational book. It's not incredibly taxing, mentally, but it's a great reminder of how God's on our side. Some nice stories, some simple challenges. I really enjoyed it and am recommending it to my family.

I've now started "Why Johnny Can't Brand" which is a really good book, though I feel a little bit adversarial towards the writers. I don't know what it is, but I almost feel like they must be jerks. I've never felt this way towards a writer and it's an interesting thing to feel considering how much I feel like I'm learning from the book. Fast Company also came in the mail and so I read a lot of that last night after devouring an entire episode of Newsweek, which is surprising to me because I have about 4 or 5 Newsweeks on my nightstand that I've maybe read an article or two in each, if that. There's also "Blue Ocean Strategy" that's due back at the library soon and "The Experience Economy" that Joseph Pine was kind enough to send me a copy of. Somewhere there's also a Consumer Report and a Reader's Digest to read. Lots and lots of reading in my future.

On Jan. 1, 2006, we went to a neat church in Arcadia, Calif. that was just starting. It was meeting at a Dave and Buster's in a conference room. The people there were all really nice and welcoming. I came away from that morning with a study guide that helps you to read through the entire New Testament in a year. With two hours to spare, I did finish on Dec. 31, 2006, and thought I might as well do it again. The more I read, the more I can learn. Sadly, it's halfway through the month and I haven't yet started it over yet. I know I can get caught up, there was a long period during the move where I wasn't really regular last year and still got it done, so I'll get it done again.

Had a nice, unexpected guest for breakfast this morning. (After today, the link may have moved on, so I'll just say now that it was Rachel, up really early.)

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