Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Brilliance of Thanks

Telling someone "thanks" is nice. When you're thanking them for being a customer/donor and you do it on Thanksgiving, that's downright slick.

In addition to the annual card from Liberty Mutual, we also received a card this year from the National Braille Press and a call from Ben Kelly in California who helped us sell our house last March. I also recommended sending personalized cards to a non-profit I consult a little bit with.

Thanksgiving cards are so much smarter than Christmas cards. It's non-offensive and there's no religious entanglements to deal with. And who doesn't like being thanked?

Happy Turkey, everyone. And thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Hey, thanks for writing.

    Although, the idea of thanksgiving itself was about giving thanks to God for the harvest, peace with the Indians, etc. So it is entangled in religion, though it has become mainstreamed so to a lesser degree today.
