Saturday, October 14, 2006

Satellite Maps: Small World

I was playing around with the map websites again and found myself in upstate New York. Made me start wondering. A search for Barbara Beckinghausen turned up three links... two at a church she took me two twice during my visit to her parents' back in 1994 and my blog from the last time I posted this list looking for people I had lost touch with. It was interesting to look right down on the church from a satellite view. I remembered the church, the parking lot, the Y-intersection nearby, but beyond that, I couldn't quite remember where things were. To be honest, I was quite disoriented during that entire trip and never really got my bearings.

Anyhow, it would be interesting to reconnect with her and others on this list to see where they are now.

In alphabetical order...
  • Jamie Anderson - Pacific Lutheran University, The Mast, now Idaho or something?
  • Frank Anino - Warner Bros. Online
  • Andrew Alexander - Washington, D.C.
  • Patty Armstrong aka Patty Hoem see also Patty and Hayden - last seen during Christmas break 1995
  • Paul Bates - Bethel Lutheran Church
  • Barbara Beckinghausen - Swormville, Amherst, SUNY Fredonia
  • Shannon Carvey - University of Washington, Silverdale Lutheran Church
  • Tighe and Susan Carvey - Little Caesar's
  • Becki Brunelli - she's on the cover and one of the subjects of a book my wife is currently reading
  • Wendy Ehrlich - tried writing to her last week, no response... she may not want to be found, not sure I blame her, I took the layoff hard. But I didn't blame her.
  • Eric Funk - former DJ, KPLZ, sorry, I mean STAR 101.5
  • Darice Good - thespian
  • Holly Grellier - last seen in San Francisco, 1998 or 1999
  • Doug Hahn - Portland?
  • Pastor Robert Hoem - now a shared pastor at a few small Lutheran churches in NW Washington?
  • Kathleen and Susan Jacot - Pacific Lutheran University
  • Scott Kim - laid off with me at Warner Bros.
  • Glenn Krauss - El Camino
  • Dexter Lo - Lake Avenue Church
  • Carol Maakestad - formerly of Silverdale Lutheran Church, last seen teaching at a school in North King County during Christmas break 1995 when I was taking the last of my stuff from home back to school with me
  • Richard Mar - Olympic High School
  • Eric McGraw - last seen probably on graduation day from high school.
  • Marshall B. "M.B." Miller IV
  • Jamey Peterson - last heard from by mail in late 2000
  • Amy Reynolds - now married, that was her maiden name
  • Chris Wilkinson - Silverdale Lutheran Church
  • Robin something - from SLC... can someone remind me of her last name?

And some successes since last time I posted this list --

  • Adam Bargmeyer - actually, his wife Naomi found me after the last time I posted this list. That was kinda cool. He and Naomi also reconnected me with Sean whose daughter (Rachel's age) just successfully came out of a bout with cancer

  • Deryk Stilwell - Still at Bethel Lutheran, now married(!!!)

  • Andrew Eichner - still has the same e-mail address, now living in New York

  • Brian Fischer - he found me on MySpace days before the move back to Washington

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