Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Will China Always Be Run By Idiots?

MSNBC.COM -- In a move that even the official newspaper described as "extraordinarily crude, cold-blooded and lazy" the Chinese government clubbed 50,000 dogs to death because they were worried about a rabies epidemic. People out walking their dogs would have their dogs seized and beaten on the spot. In other cases, government "killing squads" would enter towns at night, make noise to get dogs to bark and then locate and bludgeon the dogs to death.

What, couldn't afford a dart gun and some horse tranquilizers? While I seriously doubt anyone in China will ever read this, especially anyone in their government, I gotta say... what the heck are you smoking? You are backwards hillbilly morons without a brain amongst the lot of you. The sooner your country implodes or your people finally wise up and overthrow you, the better.

Dang it, now I've got another arch-enemy.


  1. What... the Chinese government weren't enemies before?

    Not that I relish the concept of defending either Chinese officials or dog killers (in this case one in the same), but the only way to conclusively prove a dog does or does not have rabies is to kill it then test the brain (see the link below). My guess is the doggy death squads weren't running any tests, but even of they were conducting a calm, methodic, door-to-door check of all the dogs, the same number of dogs would be dead. Their method was harsh, but efficient... which is of course their style.


    Either way, as much as I love dogs, I tend to get more irritated when the Chinese government kills people.

  2. Yeah, but a rabies epidemic can be stemmed by making sure animals are properly vaccinated in the first place.

    On top of that, they had to know this would get publicity and they didn't bother to try to be secret about it. It's that lack of savvy that stuns me.

    And you know what they say about people who hurt animals. They will eventually move on to hurting people.

    I don't like dogs. But even more, I hate senseless brutality. Beating people's dogs to death is senseless. There are other ways to kill the dogs that are a little more humane.

  3. It wasn't lack of savvy that made them act the way they did... they simply do not care what people from other lands think of them. For that matter, the Chinese government doesn't care what its own people think of them. An oppresive regime means never having to say you're sorry or made a mistake.

    It's like, you know, the way George Bush acts. Only instead of puppies use Iraqis. And instead of a Rabies outbreak use terrorist insurgency.

    Or have I crossed the line again?

  4. The line where you start grasping for straws, your arguments get weak and start to become nonsensical? Yeah, 'fraid so.
