Monday, June 26, 2006

Plastic Owls

I think our dog is on the crows' payroll. She just stares at them but never tries to chase them off, unless they're actually in the yard. But if they're in the trees, they are apparently OK. Not with us, we'd like them to go away and not make our backyard their haunt. They are mean to squirrels and other birds.

So we got a plastic owl to go in the garden to chase things away. So far, he's still on the deck, though, because Rachel think he's her outdoor friend.

Reports from home today was that the dog was barking up a storm and when Lori went out to see what was up, there was the dog flat on her belly on the deck barking at the plastic owl.

Good to know we'll be well warned in case we're about to be attacked by plastic owls.

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