Sunday, May 07, 2006

Google is Slacking

Ok, Google is slacking.

(1) Google Maps - I cannot select an address from the Contacts in Gmail.
(2) Google Calendar - I cannot select an address from the Contacts in Gmail.
(3) GMail - I cannot mark an e-mail address as "inactive" - If I can archive e-mail forever, then eventually someone's going to give up an old address, but I still need it tied to their contact so that when I view e-mails from them, these old e-mails show up.
(4) Google Talk - doesn't show events from the calendar
(5) Google Calendar - doesn't refresh/update the search results as you move the calendar (see Live Local and Yahoo! Maps Beta)
(6) Google Maps - doesn't offer categories (see Yahoo! Maps Beta) - hopefully new deal with Verizon Superpages will solve this
(7) Google Maps - no way to close/hide the search results panel
(8) GMail - Contacts Management needs help. And A-Z buttons for filtering longer lists. And the ability to merge two contacts that are actually the same person.

I'm impressed by the chat built right into GMail, even though my employer blocks it.

I'd like to see Blogger connected to the Google system so signing into one signs me into the other. And maybe a way to post to Blogger from Google Talk.

Why am I posting this here? It's getting harder and harder to actually get stuff to where I think someone will read it.

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