Monday, April 03, 2006

New Day

I was planning to write about how I enjoyed the rain and unlike many, I found joy in it where many found sorrow. And then the rain cleared and suddenly, there was this vibrant rainbow in the sky, brighter than I'd ever seen. The photo doesn't capture it, but it was actually so bright that there was a faint reflection of it, a mirror image, to its left.

Today was the first day of my new job. It was energizing, exciting, but at the same time a little sad. It's all the things I wanted for Lake Avenue Church, all the things I wish I could have done for Lake Ave. I guess it wasn't meant to be, I wasn't called to do that. But at the same time, all along, I had that glimpse. Like Nicholas Cage in one of my favorite movies, "The Family Man," I saw the glimpse. I knew the potential that no one else apparently was willing to see. So that dream is slowly dying with me. Granted, I have every confidence that LAC can still be great, but it won't be on my watch. (Uh guys, I've now been gone an entire month and am still listed as being on staff.)

The new job will start off slow. Not sure when I'll get a computer to actually work on, but I read all of the available training material today. I don't know if I should bring a book tomorrow, or lug in my own desktop just to see if I can get online. Sure wish I had bought a laptop.

It is good to be working again and the commute will be one I can do without even thinking about it. Took me 18 minutes today to get there and even less to get home. Gotta love it.

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