Monday, March 06, 2006

Dubai Two

MSNBC.COM -- This is a great article on Dubai. I think it tells a lot more about what this emerite is up to, as well as explaining it's part in the world and the UAE. It also suggests that UAE might not even care a lot about the US ports, as there's only six of them and they need a lot of money to get up to the efficiency of some of their other port holdings, that UAE was probably far more interested in the port holdings in China and India of P&O (the European company they bought that started this whole uproar.)

So maybe we need to get over ourselves just a little bit. More...

1 comment:

  1. The more I read and hear about it, the more it pises me off. The democrats have become racists, and the republicans refuse to do anything but back the president who, it turns out, knew nothing about the deal when it was announced. Imagine what Americans would say if another country refused to allow Coca Cola to be sold because they disapproved of the decisions made by our government. To me, the UAE/Dubai deal is no riskier than oil from the Saudis.
