Sunday, October 30, 2005


What if everything changed? I think that would be good.


  1. Well, your blog changed.

    Everything does change... or was this a rhetorical posting?

  2. No, think bigger.

  3. Ironic. I wasn't planning to post a second time, but I couldn't pass this up... the word verification is "odysy"


  4. Think bigger...

    Every seven years we get a brand new body (some parts change even more often than that)

    Every four to eight years we get a new President

    I seem to average one job per year, each radically different in nature

    Nearly 11 months ago I drank a case or two of beer a month, but aside from one stupid day in May I haven't had any alcohol at all

    Women are always changing... coming up with new and different ways to confuse me

    A few years ago, every network had to have a hit gameshow, before that it was one hour dramas, before that family sitcoms... now it's reality TV... soon it'll change to something else (my vote is for nude jello wrestling)

    Three days ago the sky was grey and full of clouds. Today it is blue and the weather (at least near the beach) has been perfect

    One day the sun will cool and mankind will be extinct

    That big enough for you?

  5. Ok, that's bigger. But what - besides the new body thing - does any of that have to do with me?

  6. You're gonna regret all this talk about wanting more change when your daughter changes and gets old enough to date. Then you're going to want to change everything back to the way it was.

    You've changed over the years, and you'll continue to change. In college, you never used to keep quiet when one of your bosses said or did something you disagreed with... now... well, that's a big change right there.

  7. Nah, you're not quite tracking with me. She is the reason for the change. Hint: A little more king, a little less cop.

    (Ok, so you won't be too annoyed with yourself if you don't get this one, but more hints as they're needed. You are, however, the only reader outside of my family with a good frame of reference to get this one now vs. in two or three more hints.)

    Anyone else want to play along?

  8. Goodie. I always do well with subtlety and "hints".

    Is it bigger than a bread box?

  9. Oh yeah. I hate that, too. Why is it fun to give hints but so aggravating to the receiving? I guess I know why. Ok, nevermind. More info to be revealed, in plain English, in the next few months.

  10. Is Lorri pregnant again??


    Sing along!

    (and what the heck is "wnicfzbf"?)

  12. Is Lorri pregnant again??

  13. No, think bigger.
