Saturday, May 21, 2005

Say, what?

Lori and I just watched an episode of "Without a Trace." At the end of the episode, a credit card flashed up with the Warner Bros. shield and it had a little ribbon on it that read "50 years of Quality."

Now, everyone on the planet knows that I used to work for Warner Bros. While I was working there, they were celebrating 75 years.

Which means... was their first 25 years crap? Or did some auditor come to the conclusion that 1/3 of everything Warner Bros. has done has been crap? Because if that's the case, that's a really lowball estimate.


  1. It could be that the last 25 years have been crap, have you considered that?

    Or maybe they did break it down as you suggest, which would explain the rising cost of media. I mean, to pay people to mull through the entire WB library must've cost billions. Of course the resulting "crap/not crap" database would be a cool thing to see leaked to

  2. Yeah, if it had been the last 25 years, they would have run the 50 years thing long ago.

    Yeah, I think the appraisal would have needed to be on a minute-by-minute basis through its library in order to get a number as good as 2-to-1 not-crap-to-crap ratio.

  3. It could be that the last 25 years have been crap, have you considered that?

    Or maybe they did break it down as you suggest, which would explain the rising cost of media. I mean, to pay people to mull through the entire WB library must've cost billions. Of course the resulting "crap/not crap" database would be a cool thing to see leaked to
