Tuesday, October 19, 2004

We're sorry we gave you freedom

This is a site with a bunch of people holding signs apologizing for the invasion of Iraq. The people pictured are funny, the captions making fun of them are funny. But what's really interesting is the comments posted below the pictures. While there are way too many to read, there are some pretty intelligent people posting stuff on there. Granted, they mostly lean right, but what else is interesting is that I think many of them are Australian.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a speech Rumsfeld gave shortly after US troop "liberated" Baghdad. In a move akin to Los Angelinos after the Rodney King verdict, the Iraqis developed mass hysteria... group insanity. They rioted. They looted. Hospitals were devestated. Museums were plundered. When asked for a comment, Rumsfeld replied with a smile, "Isn't freedom great?"

    Saddam was a bad man, a bad leader, a bad father. At present the mid-east is ruled by fear and oppression. By removing the man they feared, whatever the intentions, the result was unleashing a people who have never known independence. Sort of like sending an infant to live by himself in a college dorm.

    When all was said and done, and we all know all is far from said and farther from done, the Iraqis will be better off. But for right now they're totally screwed.

    Foreign diplomacy. Ack.
