Friday, September 24, 2004

Hi, My Dad's a Doofus

Tonight's bit of sadness comes from Lori who sends the link (above) depicting a 3-year-old on her daddy's shoulders crying. Why is she crying? Someone tore up her Bush-Cheney sign at a rally.

Oh. It was a Kerry-Edwards rally.

Ok, so maybe Lori has a point when she asks "What, do only Democrats get to exercise the freedom of speech?"

But I also have to think that maybe her dad is a royal frigging idiot. What did he expect? People that go to rallies are pretty rabid to begin with. A torn-up sign is pretty bad, but I imagine there were some in the crowd who were saying stuff pretty inappropriate for a child to hear (and I don't mean Kerry blahing on about something) and I've heard of people getting beat up at those rallies.

Don't take your "Go Green Bay" sign to a Raiders game and think you're teaching your daughter a lesson, dude.

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