Monday, September 13, 2004

All Hail the Inventor of the Wipe

Wipes are great. We have baby wipes for the baby, we have dog wipes for the dog. They are, of course, used a little differently. On the dog they are used all over her coat to shampoo off dirt and leave the coat glossy. I have four different kinds of wipes for my car alone... one for windows, one for the dash, one for the leather seats and my favorite, the car wash wipe, which you can use to wipe down the outside of the car. They promise a shine as good as a carwash, but I'd need a lot of wipes as we have these sucky trees in our front yard that drip sticky stuff and drop leaves all the time. I do not recommend the Armorall brand of window wipes found with the car supplies at Target. They don't seem to work too well, or they dried out or something. I think Clorox and Windex also make brands that I intend to try next. But they are good for quickly wiping away a level or two of grime inbetween car washes.

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