Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Where all the aliens at, yo?

Scientists are beginning to wonder if there really are aliens, and if so, why haven't they been able to find any proof. I did like the concept that 'an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.' But, like so many have said all along, why on [planet name here] would any intelligent creature want to communicate with us? Besides, haven't the scientists seen Mars Attacks or Independence Day? It's better that the aliens are leaving us alone. (While I'm not sold on the whole idea that aliens exist, I'll keep an open mind. God never claimed to have told us everything, He could have other worlds out there.)

I did like how Men in Black played with scale, showing the really tiny solar system on a cat's collar and the really big aliens to whom our planets were the size of marbles.

In related news, I went to Wendy's the other day. I know the old lady is lone since passed away and even Dave Thomas himself is RIP, but seriously (or ironically), where's the beef?!?!?!

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