Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Rape or Love - Get a Room

I've been following the Mary Kay Letourneau story (she had an affair with a 12-year old, went to jail, got out of jail, got caught having sex with him again and then went back to jail, just got out today) with amusement over the years because I went to Jr. High in Silverdale, Wash. and had teacher named Kathy Letourneau and have always wondered if they were sisters.

I was always amused, too, that they got caught the second time... in her car! I mean, ok, so he was young, but she was old enough to know to... oh, I don't know... get a room? Find a more secluded location?

The kid is now 21 and his mom is raising his two daughters and he's working on his GED and is unemployed. You'd think with her locked up behind bars that maybe he'd have a chance to focus on his studies.

I was also amused at the boys outside the correctional center holding signs saying "I'm 18. Take me home!" when she was released. Now there's either something wrong with them, or way to go all the way for a joke.

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