Saturday, August 21, 2004

God Bless the USA

I had the opportunity tonight to wander around many of the monuments in Washington, DC. I was awestruck by the beauty and size of some of the monuments. I also felt like the rest of the country is somewhat cheated by so many monuments being concentrated in one place. While impressive, it seems like it would be kind of nice to spread them out around the country. We started by driving close to the Pentagon before stopping at the Jefferson Memorial. Then we parked close to the Washington Monument, but could only see it from the distance because it was all closed off. We walked to the WWII memorial, through the Vietnam Memorial -- which was mostly dark because they were doing "lighting improvements" to the Lincoln Memorial. Then we walked to the White House, but it was the wrong side and we were too tired to walk around to the other side. Just so I could say that I did it, I tossed a dime onto the White House lawn. As we were passing the White House in our rental car on the way back out of the city, fittingly, "God Bless the USA" came on the radio.

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