Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Jim Joseph Palmateer (10/22/52 - 5/30/04)

I just learned that my uncle (my mom's brother) passed away last night.

He was born with a hole in his heart and was mentally retarded and the doctors estimated that he would probably on live about three years.

But he lived much longer, holding jobs, dating, going on amazing vacation trips designed for people with handicaps to far-off locations I'll never probably never get to see. And he had lots of love. Love from Jesus and love from his family.

But recently, the world he lived in became a scary place he was unable to deal with. My family feared the worst and he was moved to a hospice where he could get more direct care. This, too, may have contributed to his fear and disorientation.

But last night, his word stopped being a scary place when Jesus welcomed him home, with my grandfather who went ahead of him a few years ago no doubt standing right beside Him.

Please remember my family in prayer as we celebrate Uncle Jim's life. He was 51.

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