Friday, January 16, 2004

Tennesee to Disabled Guy: SCREW YOU! (Tennessee sucks)

From This guy had to appear in court for a charge of reckless driving. But the court had no ramp or elevator and he was disabled, so he had to pull himself up the stairs while courthouse employees looked on, laughing. He was supposed to appear a second time, but refused, citing the humiliation. So they arrested him. I have no idea if this was a nice guy or a jerk who menaced small children with his car. But give the man some frigging dignity. So he sues the state, citing ADA. They lose twice but keep appealing and now it's before the Supreme Court. How much of a stinking backwater cesspool dwelling hick of a state is Tennesee that no one with the power to do anything thought to say "Hey, this is obviously not right and we ought to put in a ramp or some stairs or build a new courthouse building or something." But no... (at least according to this article, which was an interview in Newsweek with a disabled disabilities-advocate), they just kept appealing because they claim that states rights trump federal legislation, which the ADA is. Write to the Governor of Tennessee and tell him how stupid his state looks...

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