Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Who the hell cares?

Mini-rant: A-Rod is a dumbass name. If you want to trade him/her/it, do it already. But stop telling me that a trade might be possible. If it was a good idea, it would be done by now. Or we would have found out about it after it happened. But it doesn't need to continue being news.

In other news, my wife thinks I'm about to be added to a Government Watch List and labelled a subversive. I don't care enough to be a subversive. Originally I was going to say that I didn't even care enough to look up what the word meant. But it turns out I did. I am not a subversive (why do I keep typing subversize?) nor do I want our government overthrown. Yeah, there's several thousand years of history on how not to run countries (and some persist even today in their wrong way to run a country), but USA rules. I'm not a subversive. If the government doesn't even care enough to take my simple suggestion on their website, then I doubt they will care enough to watch me, or watch out for me. Unless I said those magic words that brought the Secret Service to my door. But I'm not as dumb as Eminem.

P.S. France sucks.

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