Tuesday, December 30, 2003

More of the same

My friend, who works at a Kinko's, refused to help someone yesterday trying to photocopy information from an almanac on the U.S. Virgin Isles. He said he didn't think it was a big deal but that I could mention it on here if I wanted to, since everyone seems to think the government is reading my website.

(It is Kinkos' policy to prohibit photocopying of copyrighted materials... I knew that yesterday when I used Kinkos as an example just because no one would know that BJ's is a stupidly named copy-shop in Glendale. A block away from Kinkos, in fact.)

Doesn't the rest of the world hate us? Then shouldn't we be saying that we're the only ones allowed to carry guns on flights? Here's an idea... why don't we just hand each passenger a gun instead of a pack of peanuts?

I had a dream the other night that arsonists stole the door off my car. They tied a rope to it and dragged it around a park terrorizing people having picnics. Then they lit some forests on fire and the firemen came, put out the fires, and killed the arsonists. Someone gave me a videotape of my door being dragged around unceremoniously but fortunately I woke up before I had a chance to call the insurance company. (If I had stayed asleep, that would have been unpleasant.)

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