Sunday, November 02, 2003

Quiet Weekend

It was a nice quiet weekend. I didn't get anything done. I suppose that's both good and bad. David and I jointly purchased the new "Max Payne" game and I spent some time playing it. I'd play it more, but I don't want Lori to yell at me. Plus, for $20, I want to make it last. Fortunately, David's still playing the last game he bought so he hasn't started pestering me to give it to him so he can play. I'm enjoying it, it's really engrossing. They've spent so much time on the story.

We also saw "School of Rock." It was pretty entertaining. It wasn't great, but it was good.

It rained heavily on Halloween. Very few kids came. Some even admitted that they had stopped by before. We gave them a lot of candy and still had a lot left over. And we skipped three parties to stay home for that. Bummer.

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