Sunday, November 09, 2003

Pain, Heat and Wash

On Thursday I stayed home in the morning so that someone could come check out our heater. We had turned it on for the first time a few days earlier and after an hour of working fine, it shot out a fireball. High enough not to burn the carpet, but low enough that we would have had a flaming cat running around the house had any of them figured out how toasty warm it was at the base of the heater. The guy checked it out, cleaned and replaced a few parts but said he couldn't find anything wrong with it. But it's worked fine since then and it's sure nice having the Home Shield thing. We had forgotten about it and were thinking we were going to have to spend a lot of money to have it replaced, but one $45 check and we were on our way. Glad someone else reminded us about it.

Me, I had hoped never to have to use it. But living in a desert it can get cold and it has. From 100 degree weather one week to probably low 60's and even lower at night the next. No insulation doesn't help. It had been too hot and now we don't have the cash. Plus, I want to do some wiring in the attic and it seems like it would be easier with no insulation in the way.

Then on Friday I had oral surgery. Four teeth removed. One on one side, three on the other. None would ever go into their correct places because my mouth just isn't big enough. Which is incredible irony since I've always been told I had a big mouth. Which makes at least 8 teeth removed now. At least one was a molar in my jawbone. I'm told the bone will grow back. And one had its root extending up into my nasal cavity. I will hopefully breathe better with it gone, but they had to sew the hole shut and it's not yet airtight. Blowing my nose can cause hurt all over the place and the first day my nostril was just plugged and I so I blew it and realized it was all plugged with blood. Yuck. Two of the molars were partially errupted, meaning that they had broken through the skin. But only a little bit. They were still mostly underneath, allowing food to get under the skin. I couldn't properly clean them, and if left, they would decay and cause the teeth next to them to decay as well. So, my whole mouth should be healthier. They were a little concerned after the surgery and made me go back in and they did another suture that they said I wouldn't feel. ha ha ha. I totally felt it. It was not fun nor funny. ow ow ow. I have a bunch of stiches in my mouth that they need to remove in a week or so.

And yesterday Lori realized the washing machine is broken already. I guess the basket is held in place by streches of rubber attached to plastic posts which are screwed to something. One of the plastic posts has sheared off. We had a GE guy scheduled to come out, but who knows if that will be considered as part of the warranty? I hope so.

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