Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Unions = Organized Crime

Where I work, if you don't like your job, or you don't like the benefits, you go work somewhere else.

But this divide and conquer crap that the unions are pulling (only strike at one store so that they have to cave! then we can force the others to accept the same deal!) is pure b.s.

I'm all too happy to cross the picket-line. Even if the losers park grocery carts up against my car while I'm in the store.

Uh, guys? Out here in the real world, we have to contribute to our employer paid health care. If you want to know who's ripping you off, don't look at your employer, look at your union.

Not to mention stupid union rules which makes it more cost-effective for grocery stores to overhire and keep everyone at part-time.

And I used to think that more rail lines were a great idea. But now I'm starting to favor more lanes on the freeway -- a freeway lane can't go on strike.

I honestly don't know why the MTA is not considered a public service, like the police and fire and forbidden from striking (ha! thanks LASO). The people most hurt by these strikes are those closest to the poverty line, trying to make a living and keep their family fed. The MTA currently pays $500 PER MECHANIC PER MONTH in health care costs and are ready to go up to $600, but apparently that's not enough.

And don't even get me started on the LASO "sick-out." Yeah, you press on your eyeball until it turns pink and then go see your doctor to get a doctor's note to stay home sick. Is it any wonder the health care costs are getting so great the employers cannot afford to keep paying for your health care?

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