Friday, August 29, 2003

Oh, how interesting the internet is... I was looking for information on those ELF morons. I found a website called I noticed it linked to And that was created by (Internet Cat Club) which is a member of The Cat Fancier's Association.

I also found a site called People Eating Tasty Animals. Funny.

I was searching for more information on ELF after reading articles on I think ALF and ELF are dumb acronyms. Although ELF seems entirely appropriate for these little, small, petty, simple minded people.

Their tactics are dumb:

  • If insured, more trees and other natural resources will be wasted replacing homes and apartment complexes burnt to the ground.
  • If uninsured, construction projects will be halted, construction workers will be out of a job and unfinished projects will languish, often as a breeding ground for pests like mosquitos.
  • Why burn an apartment complex construction project? Apartments do less to cause urban sprawl than housing projects.
  • SUVs on the dealership lot will be replaced, and more resources will be spent to replace them.
  • SUVs belonging to people will be repaired and insurance will cover it. Which raises everyone's insurance. Or people will be forced to drive around with damaged vehicles, complaining about the a-holes who messed up their cars.
  • If SUVs are too damaged, people may be unable to get to work, and worst-case scenario, lose their houses.
  • Arson fires pollute the environment in a huge way.

According to my boss, it's the "damned environmentalists" that are actually causing urban sprawl. They make it so difficult to build in existing areas the developers just go out and buy large plots of land on the edges of existing sprawl and add to it.

In my opinion, I'm not quite sure who's to blame. I just overpayed for a really tiny house because the house prices are so outrageous. It's not in a great area of town and the house is old. But there are way too many people moving into the area buying up all the houses. And then when someone does buy a house, they upgrade it and enlarge it. And all the new houses being built are so expensive that the market of homes available to first-time home buyers is shrinking. I do like the idea of mixed-use communities, where there's stores under an apartment complex and over a mass-transit station, but then again, I don't want to live in one of those. I want to live in a house. Thank God for His provision, I've been able to buy a house.

But I would like to know what kinds of cars ELF and ALF members drive and what kinds of residences they live in. Of course, I'd like to also know how many of these are people who just do this because they enjoy being violent and damaging and can do it under the cover of these organizations because the media has told them what ELF does, what it spray paints and how it makes bombs and stuff like that.

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