Friday, July 18, 2003

Ah, the French.... le morons fantastique!
The Culture Ministry of France has declared that the word "e-mail" is no longer a part of the French vocabulary, but that instead people should use a new made-up word "courriel" which is the combination of "courrier" and "electronique" which is a long way of saying electronic mail, although they appear to not know how to spell "electronic" or "courier" either.

Anyhow, I have a question about the new word "courriel". I originally attempted to send a courriel to the Culture Ministry but the courriel addressique goes to a person who no longer works there, apparentlyique. So, I'll post my question here in case some French person who speaks English and who doesn't hate Americans and still doesn't hate them after reading my message might want to respondique. (Should it actually be the English and not us who are offended, since it's their language that the French are trying to get people to stop speaking? Long live the queen and whatnot, eh?)

Anyhow, my question... "E-mail" could be used as both a noun and a verb.

Verb: "I e-mailed her." or "E-mail me!"
Noun: "I sent her an e-mail." or "Did you get my e-mail?"

Can "courriel" be used in the same fashion, as both a noun and a verb?

Can you "courriel" someone? Or do you have to send someone a "courriel"?

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