Friday, May 30, 2003

You will never drive the same way again...
The Italian Job kicks butt! Poor Kevin, probably won't get to see this on a really huge movie screen. I think I'll go see this a few more times. I also want to take defensive driving courses and stunt driving courses.

I also recently saw Matrix: Reloaded... some good action but some yawning, too. Down with Love was clever and cute, I guess. Nice plot twist. X2 was also pretty good. Some good action, better effects.

And a pigeon has decided to nest on our desk. I swept up their nest-in-progress last week thinking it was just detrius that had blown into the corner but now there's more along with an egg. The cat chased the bird away from the nest and I chased the bird the rest of the way away before seeing the egg. Lori went and got some lint from the laundry room to surround the egg until the bird comes back.

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